티스토리 뷰

시원한 콩국수 [Cold Soybean Noodle Soup]


오늘은 더운 여름에 시원하게 즐길 수 있는 콩국수 레시피를 소개합니다. 이 요리는 두부와 두유를 이용해 고소하고 영양가 높은 콩국물을 만들어, 국수와 함께 먹으면 아주 맛있습니다. 오이와 토마토의 상큼함이 더해져 더욱 시원하고 상쾌한 맛을 즐길 수 있어요.



두부 1모, 두유 3컵, 견과류 1컵, 검은 깨 약간, 소금 약간, 오이 약간, 토마토 약간, 얼음 약간, 삶은 국수 적당량




1. 두부를 2분간 끓여주세요.

2. 찬물에 담가 식혀주세요.

3. 견과류를 마른 팬에 살짝 볶아주세요.

4. 적당한 크기로 썬 두부, 견과류, 검은 깨, 두유를 믹서에 넣고 갈아주세요.

5. 냉장고에 넣어 차게 식혀주세요.

6. 삶은 국수 위에 오이채, 토마토, 얼음을 얹어주세요.

7. 차가운 콩국물을 부어주세요.

8. 소금으로 간을 해주세요.

[English Recipe]

Today, I’m sharing a recipe for Cold Soybean Noodle Soup, perfect for enjoying on hot summer days. This dish uses tofu and soy milk to create a rich and nutritious soybean soup, which pairs wonderfully with noodles. The addition of cucumber and tomato adds a refreshing and crisp taste, making this dish even more delightful and cooling.


1 block tofu, 3 cups soy milk, 1 cup nuts, A bit of black sesame seeds, A pinch of salt, Some cucumber, Some tomato,  Some ice, Cooked noodles



1. Boil the tofu for 2 minutes.

2. Cool the tofu in cold water.

3. Lightly toast the nuts in a dry pan.

4. In a blender, combine the cut tofu, nuts, black sesame seeds, and soy milk, and blend until smooth.

5. Chill the mixture in the refrigerator.

6. Place cooked noodles in a bowl and top with julienned cucumber, tomato, and ice.

7. Pour the cold soybean soup over the noodles.

8. Season with salt to taste.


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