티스토리 뷰

김장아찌(Pickled Seaweed)

저희 집의 새로운 밥도둑, 김장아찌입니다. 김이야 어떻게 먹어도 맛있지만, 김장아찌를 반찬으로 올리면 밥 한그릇이 어디로 갔는지 모르게 뚝딱 사라져있곤 해요. 보관하기도 쉽고 감칠맛이 있는 김장아찌 만들기 입니다.


김밥김 30장, 진간장 2/3컵, 물 1 1/2컵, 파 1/2 개, 양파 1/2개, 쌀엿 1/2컵, 마늘 5쪽, 생강 2톨, 다시마 3장, 청양고추

맛술 2Ts, 맛간장 1Ts, 설탕 1Ts, 매실청 1Ts



1. 김을 6등분으로 잘라주세요.

2. 물, 다시마, 양파, 편썬마늘, 파를 넣고 끓기 시작하면 약불에서 20분간 끓여줍니다.


3. 채소를 건져주세요.


4. 진간장, 맛술, 쌀엿, 매실청, 청양고추를 넣고 한소끔 끓여줍니다.


5. 편썬생강, 설탕을 넣고 식혀줍니다.

6. 식힌 간장 물을 김위에 1/2만 부어주세요.


7. 다시 김을 뒤집은 후 나머지 간장 물을 붓고 반나절 방치합니다.

  [English Recipe]

This is Pickled Seaweed, our new rice thief. It's delicious to eat if you serve it as a side dish, it often disappears without knowing where the bowl of rice went. It's easy to store and it's delicious.


30 Seaweeds for gimbap, 2/3 Cup of Dark Soy sauce, 1 and a Half cup of water, Half of the spring onion, Half of the onion, a Half cup of rice starch syrup, 5 Garlic, 2 Gingers,  3 Kelps, Cheongyang Pepper

2Ts of cooking wine, 1Ts of Tasty soy sauce, 1Ts of sugar, 1Ts of Plum extract


1. Cut the Seaweeds into six equal portions.

2. Add water, kelp, onion, sliced garlic, and green onion and start to boil, then simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

3. Please pick up the vegetables.

4. Add the soy sauce, Cooking wine, rice starch syrup, plum syrup, and cheongyang pepper and bring to a boil.

5. Add the sliced ginger and sugar and cool it down.

6. Pour 1/2 cup cooled soy sauce water over the seaweeds.

7. After turning the dried seaweed over again, pour the rest of the soy sauce water and let it sit for half a day.

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