티스토리 뷰
어묵물떡꼬치(Fish Cake and Rice Cake Skewers in Broth)
재료만 있으면 누구나 할 수 있는 요리죠! 분식집 앞을 지나가면 종종 생각나는 그 요리 바로 꼬치어묵과 물떡꼬치입니다! 육수를 내여 꼬치에 낀 어묵과 떡만 있으면 누구나 만들 수 있는 요리에요! 여러분도 한번 도전!
오뎅 8개, 가래떡 8개, 무 200g, 물 2L, 파 1개, 양파 1개, 마늘 6개, 후추, 소금 2Tbs, 다시마, 다시팩, 맛간장 1Tbs, 맛술 1Tbs, 참치액젓 2Tbs, 다시다 약간, 파뿌리 4개, 청양고추 1개
1. 야채를 적당한 크기로 썰어주세요.
2. 물, 무, 양파, 다시마, 다시팩, 파, 파뿌리, 마늘를 넣고 끓여주세요.
3. 끓기 시작하면 약불로 줄여주세요.
4. 10분 뒤 다시마를 건져주세요.
5. 10분간 더 끓여주세요.
6. 무를 남기고 재료를 건져주세요.
7. 떡과 오뎅을 꼬치에 꽂아주세요.
8. 떡꼬치와, 오뎅, 청양고추를 넣고 끓여주세요.
9. 5분간 뒤적이며 끓여주세요.
[English Recipe]
It's a dish that anyone can make as long as they have the ingredients! Passing by a snack bar often reminds us of that very dish - skewered fish cakes and water rice cake skewers! All you need is broth, and skewered fish cakes and rice cakes to create a meal that anyone can prepare! Why not give it a try yourself?
8 fish cakes, 8 rice cakes (cylinder-shaped), 200g radish, 2L water, 1 green onion, 1 onion, 6 cloves of garlic, Black pepper, 2 Tbs of salt, Kelp, Dashi pack, 1 Tbs of flavored soy sauce, 1 Tbs of cooking wine (mirin), 2 Tbs of fish sauce (anchovy sauce), A bit of dashida (Korean beef stock powder), 4 green onion roots, 1 green chili pepper
1. Cut the vegetables into appropriate sizes.
2. In a pot, add water, radish, onion, kelp, dashi pack, green onions, green onion roots, and garlic and bring to a boil.
3. Once it starts boiling, reduce to low heat.
4. After 10 minutes, remove the kelp.
5. Boil for another 10 minutes.
6. Remove the ingredients, leaving only the radish.
7. Skewer the rice cakes and fish cakes.
8. Add the rice cake skewers, fish cakes, and green chili pepper to the pot and boil.
9. Stir and boil for 5 minutes.
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