티스토리 뷰
보리굴비(Korean dried yellow croaker) 손질법
설날은 잘 보내셨나요. 이번 설 선물로 보리굴비가 들어와, 보리굴비요리를 한번 준비해보았어요. 비린내 없이 깔끔하게 쪄서 만들 수 있는 요리에요.
보리굴비, 쌀뜨물, 지단, 실고추, 참기름
1. 쌀뜨물에 보리굴비를 담구어주세요.
2. 30분간 짠맛을 빼주세요.
3. 비늘과 지느러미를 제거해주세요.
4. 참기름을 발라주세요.
5. 파, 솔잎등을 깔고 찜기에 30분간 쪄주세요.
6. 먹기 좋은 크기로 뜯어주세요.
7. 밥을 녹차를 우린 물에 담갔다가 조기와 함께 드시면 더 풍미있게 드실수있어요.
[English Recipe]
Did you have a good Lunar New Year's day? As a gift for the Lunar New Year, barley dried yellow corvina came in, so I prepared a barley dried yellow corvina dish. It's a dish that you can steam without any fishy smell.
barley dried yellow croaker, used water from washing rice, egg garnish, Red Pepper, Sesame Oil
1. Soak croaker in used water from washing rice.
2. Remove the salty taste for 30 minutes.
3. Remove the scales and fins.
4. Apply sesame oil.
5. Spread green onions and pine needles and steam in a steamer for 30 minutes.
6. Please rip it into easy-to-eat sizes.
7. If you soak green tea in water and eat it with croaker, you can enjoy it more.
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