티스토리 뷰
당근라페(Carotte Rapee)
당근을 싫어해도,건강을 위해 당근을 섭취해야한다면 당근라페를 추천드립니다! 당근의 맛이 잘 느껴지지 않으면서, 빵/샐러드등 다양한 곳에 넣어 먹기 좋은 음식이에요! 당근을 싫어하시는 분들도 곧잘 드실 수 있는 당근 샐러드입니다.
당근 2개, 꽃소금 1Tbs, 꽃소금 1/3Tbs, 설탕 1Tbs, 홀그레인 머스타드 1Tbs, 올리고당 1Tbs, 올리브유 4Tbs, 레몬즙 3Tbs, 사과 식초 1Tbs, 후추
1. 당근을 깨끗하게 씻어 껍질을 벗겨주세요.
2. 채칼등을 이용하여 가늘게 채를 썰어주세요.
3. 소금1Tbs를 넣고 버무려주세요.
4. 20분간 절여주세요.
5. 꼭 짜주세요.
6. 꽃소금 1/3Tbs, 설탕, 올리고당, 올리브유, 레몬즙, 식초, 홀그레인 머스타드 1Tbs, 후추를 넣고 버무려주세요.
[English Recipe]
Even if you don't like carrots, if you need to eat them for your health, I recommend Carrot Lape! It's a good food to put in various places such as bread/salad without feeling the taste of carrots well! It's a carrot salad that people who don't like carrots can eat well.
2 carrots, 1 Tbs of kosher salt, 1/3 Tbs of kosher salt, 1 Tbs of sugar, 1 Tbs of wholegrain mustard, 1 Tbs of oligosaccharide, 4 Tbs of olive oil, 3 Tbs of lemon juice, 1 Tbs of apple vinegar, pepper
1. Wash the carrots clean and peel them off.
2. Using a chopping knife, slice the sirloin thinly.
3. Add 1 Tbs of salt and mix.
4. Pickle for 20 minutes.
5. Please squeeze it.
6. Add 1/3 Tbs of kosher salt, sugar, oligosaccharide, olive oil, lemon juice, vinegar, 1 Tbs of holgrain mustard, and pepper and mix.
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