김상궁의 다과상 레시피

들깨 브로콜리 새우 무침 [Perilla Broccoli Shrimp Salad]

KAYA_0316 2024. 6. 29. 10:00

들깨 브로콜리 새우 무침 [Perilla Broccoli Shrimp Salad]


오늘은 건강하고 맛있는 들깨 브로콜리 새우 무침 레시피를 소개합니다. 이 요리는 브로콜리를 편식하는 사람들도 맛있게 먹을 수 있도록 만들어졌어요. 브로콜리와 새우의 신선한 맛에 들깨가루와 들기름의 고소함이 더해져 누구나 쉽게 즐길 수 있는 건강한 반찬입니다



브로콜리 300g, 새우살 150g, 들깨가루 2큰술, 소금 1/2큰술, 후추 약간, 들기름 약간, 식초 2큰술



1. 물에 식초를 풀고 브로콜리를 담가주세요.

2. 3분간 담근 후 흐르는 물에 씻어주세요.

3. 물에 소금을 넣고 끓입니다.

4. 끓는 물에 새우를 넣고 끓기 시작하면 바로 건져주세요.

5. 새우를 삶은 물이 다시 끓기 시작하면 브로콜리를 넣고 끓여주세요.

6. 끓기 시작하면 불을 끄고 건져주세요.

7. 바로 체에 받쳐 식혀주세요.

8. 새우, 브로콜리, 소금 1/2큰술, 들깨가루, 후추를 넣고 버무려주세요.

9. 마지막으로 들기름을 넣고 다시 한번 잘 버무려주세요.


[English Recipe]

Today, I'm sharing a healthy and delicious recipe for Perilla Broccoli Shrimp Salad. This dish is perfect for those who usually avoid broccoli, as the combination of fresh broccoli and shrimp with the nutty flavor of perilla powder and sesame oil makes it irresistibly tasty. It's a simple and nutritious side dish that anyone can enjoy.



300g broccoli, 150g shrimp meat, 2 tablespoons perilla powder, 1/2 tablespoon salt, A pinch of pepper, A bit of perilla oil, 
2 tablespoons vinegar



1. Dissolve the vinegar in water and soak the broccoli.

2. Soak for 3 minutes, then rinse under running water.

3. Add salt to a pot of water and bring to a boil.

4. Add the shrimp to the boiling water and remove them as soon as the water starts to boil again.

5. Once the water reboils, add the broccoli and let it cook.

6. When the water starts to boil again, turn off the heat and remove the broccoli.

7. Immediately drain the broccoli in a sieve and let it cool.

8. In a bowl, combine the shrimp, broccoli, 1/2 tablespoon salt, perilla powder, and a pinch of pepper.

9. Add a bit of perilla oil and mix everything well.