낙지젓 메밀국수 (Buckwheat Noodles with Octopus Sauce)
낙지젓 메밀국수 (Makgeolli Barley Bread)
낙지젓 카펠리니의 레시피를 응용하여, 집에 있는 메밀면을 사용해서 만들어 보았는데요. 메밀면의 구수한 맛과 낙지젓의 매콤 짭짤함이 어우러져 맛있는 요리가 되었어요! 아주 쉬우니 기회가 되면 꼭 만들어보셔요
생 메밀 2인분, 낙지젓 3Tbs, 깨소금, 참기름, 들기름, 다진 마늘 1Tbs, 깻잎, 다진 청양고추 1Tbs, 후추 약간, 소금 약간
1. 낙지젓, 다진마늘, 참기름, 깨소금, 다진 청양고추, 후추약간을 넣고 섞어주세요.
2. 약간의 소금을 넣고 물을 끓여주세요.
3. 생메밀을 넣고 3분 30초간 삶아주세요.
4. 얼음물에서 전분기를 씻어주세요.
5. 메밀에 들기름을 넣고 버무려주세요.
6. 메밀 위에 깻잎과 낙지젓을 올려주세요.
[English Recipe]
I adapted a capellini recipe with fermented octopus sauce and tried using the buckwheat noodles I had at home. The rich flavor of the buckwheat noodles paired with the spicy and savory taste of the fermented octopus sauce created a delicious dish! It's very simple to make, so I highly recommend giving it a try when you have the chance.
2 servings of fresh buckwheat noodles, 3Tbs of fermented octopus sauce, Sesame salt, sesame oil, Perilla oil, 1Tbs of minced garlic, Perilla leaves, 1Tbs of minced green chili pepper, a pinch of black pepper, a pinch of salt.
1. Combine the fermented octopus sauce, minced garlic, sesame oil, sesame salt, minced green chili pepper, and a pinch of black pepper in a bowl and mix well.
2. Add a pinch of salt to boiling water.
3. Add the fresh buckwheat noodles and boil for 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
4. Rinse the noodles in ice water to remove excess starch.
5. Mix the noodles with perilla oil.
6. Top the noodles with perilla leaves and fermented octopus sauce.