메추리알 어묵볶이(Stir Fried fish cake with quail eggs) 만들기
메추리알 어묵볶이(Stir Fried fish cake with quail eggs)
평소 떡볶이 국물에 적신 계란이 한개뿐인게 아쉬우셨다면, 오늘 메추리알 어묵볶이를 만들어 드시는건 어떨까요? 탄수화물이 적어 덜 부담스럽고, 고소한 메추리알과 달달매콤한 떡볶이의 양념이 너무 잘어울린답니다.
메추리알 2컵 반, 어묵 1컵, 물 3컵, 파 반개, 치킨스톡 1개, 고추장 1&1/2Tbs, 고춧가루 1Tbs, 다진마늘 1Tbs, 설탕 1&1/3Tbs, 진간장 1Tbs, 물엿 2Tbs, 올리고당 1Tbs, 물 2Tbs, 케찹 2Tbs, 다시마, 물 1Tbs, 전분가루 1Tbs,
1. 어묵을 뜨거운 물로 튀겨주세요.
2. 고추장, 물 2Tbs, 고춧가루, 진간장, 설탕, 다진마늘, 물엿, 케찹을 넣고 양념장을 만들어주세요.
3. 물, 다시마, 양념장, 치킨스톡을 넣고 끓여주세요.
4. 끓기 시작하면 중불에서 5분간 끓여주세요.
5. 어묵, 메추리알을 넣고 5분간 끓여주세요.
6. 다시마를 건져주세요.
7. 5분간 더 끓여주세요.
8. 물 1Tbs, 전분가루 1Tbs를 넣고 전분물을 만들어주세요.
9. 파와 전분물을 넣고 한소끔 끓여주세요.
10. 올리고당을 넣고 한소끔 끓여주세요.
[English Recipe]
If you were disappointed that there was only one egg soaked in the tteokbokki soup, why don't you make quail egg fish cake tteokbokki today? It's less burdensome because it's low in carbohydrates, and the savory quail eggs and sweet tteokbokki go well together.
2 and a half cups of quail eggs, 1 cup of fish cake, 3 cups of water, half of green onion, 1 block of chicken stock, 1&Half Tbs of red pepper paste, 1Tbs of Red Pepper Powder, 1Tbs of minced garlic, 1&1/3Tbs of sugar, 1Tbs of soy sauce, 2Tbs of starch syrup, 2Tbs of oligosaccharide, 2Tbs of water, 2Tbs of ketchup, kelp, 1Tbs of water, 1Tbs of starch powder
1. Fry fish cake with hot water.
2. Add red pepper paste, 2Tbs of water, red pepper powder, dark soy sauce, sugar, minced garlic, starch syrup, and ketchup and make the sauce.
3. Add water, kelp, sauce, and chicken stock and bring to a boil.
4. Bring to a boil over medium heat for 5 minutes.
5. Add fish cake and quail eggs and boil for 5 minutes.
6. Take out the kelp.
7. Bring to a boil for another 5 minutes.
8. Add 1Tbs of water and 1Tbs of starch powder to make starch water.
9. Add green onions and starch water and bring to a boil.
10. Add oligosaccharide and bring to a boil.