바삭바삭 삼겹살 김치전[Korean Kimchi Hotcake] 만들기
삼겹살 김치전 만들기
재료 : 김치 썬것 3컵, 삼겹살 220g, 튀김가루 1컵, 부침가루 1컵, 물 1컵 반, 식용유
1. 삽겹살을 부칠때 재료와 잘 어울리게 잘게 썰어주세요.
2. 잡내를 제거하기위해 돼지고기에 생강술을 넣어 버무려줍니다
3. 김치의 속을 털어내고 잘게 썰어줍니다.
4. 튀김가루와 부침가루를 넣고 찬 물을 넣은후 저어주세요
( 많이 저어주면 밀가루에 끈기가 생겨 바삭거리게 튀겨지지 않습니다.)
5. 반죽에 김치썬것과 삼겹살썬것을 넣고 고르게 섞어주세요.
( 반죽이 싱거우면 젓갈이나 소금으로 간을하여줍니다.)
6. 팬에 기름을 넉넉히 두르고 팬에 적당량의 재료를 넣고 지져주세요.
( 가장자리가 바삭하게 튀겨지도록 쎈불에서 지져준후 타지않게 불조절을 해주세요.)
※ 이때 자주 뒤집지 않습니다.
7. 지져진 김치전은 기름종이에 얹고 여분의 기름을 제거해줍니다.
<English Recipe>
Kimchi-pancake is also called Kimchi jeon. We translated it as a pancake but actually it's texture is about halfway between a pancake and fried. Like hot cakes, many Koreans make kimchi pancakes for meals. Kimchi pancakes can be made in a variety of ways, they can also be added together with tuna cans or squid in a popular way. Today, I tried making kimchi pancakes with pork, one of the popular ingredients. Let's make it with the crunchy texture that Koreans love.
3 cups of Chopped kimchi , 220 grams of Pork belly, 1 cup of frying powder, 1 cup of bread crumbs, 1 1/2 cups water, Cooking Oil
1. Cut the pork belly into small pieces that are easy to eat.
2. Mix the pork with Ginger ale to remove the meat smell.
3.Remove the seasoning for kimchi off and cut it into small pieces.
4. Put the frying powder and the pan frying powder, add the cold water and mix.
(If you stir it too much, the flour will become sticky and will not pop into a crisp.)
5. Put the kimchi and pork chops in the dough and mix evenly.
(If the dough is bland, Please season it to my tastes..)
6. Pour enough oil into the pan and fill the pan with the appropriate amount of material.
(Cook it on a high heat to make the edges crispy and don't let it burn. Please adjust it.)
(Do not flip over often.)
7. Put on oil paper and remove extra oil from the dried kimchi dish.